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Caution / Disclaimer

Our Esteemed clients ask for recommendation, and the same is provided free of cost. Recommendation made by us is as per their date of birth, place, time and purpose which may differ from person to person. We do not guarantee the effects of the product recommended by us since we do not have any instrument or calculation to prove the same. Recommendation is done solely because client asks for the same. To buy or not to buy is totally at the discretion of client. Prices are charged solely for the product and not for effects. Our products are like any other product in trade hence we humbly request our client to think twice before purchasing from our website / showroom, since we have no buy back and no refund policy.

Rudraksha are believed to be representation of Hindus God / Goddess but we do not have any materialistic / scientific support to prove the same. (Please Note: It’s just a belief going on from ancient years.) If you believe it is Shivlingam otherwise it is a stone, if you believe it is Gangajal otherwise it is like any other river water, it is for you to decide. Contents given on our website / catalogues / literature / leaflets are purely belief, we have no materialistic / scientific support to prove the same. We have no arguments with our competitors who claim the same. We do not claim the same.

We do not recommend or portray any dreamy or rosy pictures or miracles or make any tall claim for improvement in health, wealth, and status and we request client not to get carried away with the same. Buying or not buying our product is totally at the discretion of client.

Prices are based purely on demand, supply, availability and rarity of the product and nothing to do with the effects. If you think we are costly please do not buy from us and if you think we are cheaper than other competitors, we have no answers. In both the cases it is for our esteemed client to decide. We have also no answer why our competitors are costlier or may be cheaper than us. We do not take support to promote the sales on the strength of the so called bogus authenticity certificate issued by other vendors hence we do not issue the same. Please click to read the so called Authenticity Certificate  We take it for granted above mentioned content in disclaimer has been read before purchase from us.

Rudrablessings have the right to accept or cancel or reject any order as per our convinience, we can reject any order without prior information to the client.